Money in Miami
The official currency in Miami is, of course, the American Dollar. Learn the exchange rate, where to change your money, and more.
Bills and Coins
In Miami you'll find bills of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollars, and coins from 1 dollar to 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cent. (100 cents = 1 dollar).
ATMs and Banks
In Miami, you'll have no problem finding banks and ATM cash points. You'll find plenty of both throughout the city.
How to Pay
The best way to save on commission is to pay by credit card. When paying using this type of card, you benefit from the current exchange rate, and the commission does not normally exceed 1%, although it does vary from bank to bank.
Where to change money
The best option is usually to take money out from the ATM, but there are other options too:
The commission when taking dollars out from the ATM is usually around 4%. The best thing to do is to check the commission your bank charges when taking out foreign currency.
Changing Money Before Travelling
If you don't want complications on your trip, the best thing to do is to change money before leaving. You can do so at any bank, although the commission is usually high, or at a specialized company.
Changing Money in Miami
If you would prefer to exchange money in Miami, you can do this in banks or in a bureau de change. Here too you'll have to carefully check the exchange rate and commission.
Exchange rate
The exchange rate is: US$ 1